Shipping & Returns

Shipping Information

Our products are shipped direct from factories all over the United States. Freight is calculated by the weight and dimensions of the product.

Smaller orders will ship either UPS or FedEx. Larger orders will ship via commercial LTL freight carriers, UPS Freight or FedEx Freight, using the most competitive rates available to us.

All shipments will be quoted and shipped dock to dock delivery unless specified otherwise.

A dock and forklift will be necessary to remove the pallet(s) from the truck. If extra handling be necessary, including that the pallet(s) be brought to ground level, this will be quoted as an additional charge – it is considered Lift Gate Delivery.

Please advise if the delivery is to be handled as an inside delivery or if the delivery address is a school, university, residence, construction site, place of worship, farm, prison or military delivery. When required, a call ahead or appointment to schedule delivery must be specified.

Truck deliveries can be accepted between 8am and 5pm, Monday – Friday, unless we are informed of other specific hours and days.

Damaged Shipments

Truck deliveries must be inspected upon arrival. If there is any possible damage, it must be noted and written on the carrier’s acceptance sheet. This will make the return easier should the order be sent back for a replacement.

Please contact us if you have any damage within five days of arrival. We will assist you with a replacement order and have the damaged order returned to the factory.


If for any other reason the product needs to be returned, it is the customer’s responsibility to pay the return freight to the factory and will incur a 25% restocking fee. Please make sure that the return is in the original packaging.

Orders with specific labeling, logos, etc. are considered custom orders and are not returnable. We will be very detailed in the ordering process, to make sure that you are 100% happy with your purchase.


American Recycled Products will accept purchase orders and payment may be made using VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards. If a personal check is your method of payment, upon receipt of the check, your order will be placed. Net 30 terms are available for state and federal government, corporations, educational, hospitals and place of worship customers. For wire transfer payments, please contact us for our banking information.

Sales Tax

Tennessee customers will be charged  Sales Tax, unless you are tax exempt and produce the exemption document or a resale certificate. American Recycled Products does not collect tax on out of state orders.

If you have any questions or concerns about our service, please let us know! We want you to have an enjoyable experience when purchasing from us. We don’t like surprises unless they are good ones.

Get in touch

Give us a call at 1-888-256-3699 during our business hours of 8:30a.m. and 5p.m. or fill out out the form and a member of our team will be in touch within the next 24 hours.